Client: LittleSolves
Design: quiet glass
There’s nothing more natural than needing water, to function properly, we need around 2-3 litres a day, hydration is essential for our wellness and well-being and we need a glass for modern living.
quiet glass by littlesolves is a glass that’s quieter to put down, safer to use and harder to knock over. Available in 8 colours to brighten up any interior and remind you which one is yours.
A glass for modern living, quiet glass is the little solve that we all deserve.
Available on Amazon now.
Choose from eight colours - Grey, Olive, Blue, Dusty Pink, Aquamarine, Fluoro Pink, Ochre and Off White
Designed for your bedside table
Soft silicone base for silent nights
Easy to hold
Our development journey, progressively making easier to hold, harder to knock onto the floor and quieter to put down.